Mar 4, 12:20 PM
Teachers on average make more than private sector employees. The average in Ohio is $50,314, source: http://teacherportal.com/salary/Ohio-teacher-salary To quote the site:
Now I make much less than that in advertising/marketing agency. I haven't had a raise in 2 years. In the past decade my salary as not increased 33%.
Don't spew lies, back up your lame arguements with facts.
I spewed no lies. You really think $50,000 is a lot of money? I don't- not for people who are educating our children.
I work in advertising as well and make less. I haven't had a raise in 6 years. You know what that tells me? That we need a union too, not the opposite. Companies sit there and say there's no money for raises, and then show you the financials for the year and say, "Look how great we're doing! Profits are up!" But why should I care? I don't see any of it, neither do you.
Yes, I absolutely really think so. The problem is that if (as I suspect) you only get your news from left-leaning organizations you're only getting half of the truth. Based on what I see, it's still the right that is more energized, it's still the right that is excited to vote in 2012, because deep down everyone realizes that these protesters are protesting for petty reasons. They don't care about the kids, the schools, the state, the budget, the economy... they just don't want THEIRS to be taken away. I've seen several polls which report exactly the opposite regarding public opinion on the unions... it's all in how you phrase the question.
IMHO, unless there's a MAJOR uptick in the economy and some MAJOR concessions made on the left regarding reducing the deficit, they don't stand a chance to win seats in 2012. Still a chance for the White House? Yes, but he probably won't be favored at that point if significant improvesments are seen in every day Americans' lives.
Amazing world you live in. Like I said, please keep it up. Keep taking things away from workers. See what happens.
Now I make much less than that in advertising/marketing agency. I haven't had a raise in 2 years. In the past decade my salary as not increased 33%.
Don't spew lies, back up your lame arguements with facts.
I spewed no lies. You really think $50,000 is a lot of money? I don't- not for people who are educating our children.
I work in advertising as well and make less. I haven't had a raise in 6 years. You know what that tells me? That we need a union too, not the opposite. Companies sit there and say there's no money for raises, and then show you the financials for the year and say, "Look how great we're doing! Profits are up!" But why should I care? I don't see any of it, neither do you.
Yes, I absolutely really think so. The problem is that if (as I suspect) you only get your news from left-leaning organizations you're only getting half of the truth. Based on what I see, it's still the right that is more energized, it's still the right that is excited to vote in 2012, because deep down everyone realizes that these protesters are protesting for petty reasons. They don't care about the kids, the schools, the state, the budget, the economy... they just don't want THEIRS to be taken away. I've seen several polls which report exactly the opposite regarding public opinion on the unions... it's all in how you phrase the question.
IMHO, unless there's a MAJOR uptick in the economy and some MAJOR concessions made on the left regarding reducing the deficit, they don't stand a chance to win seats in 2012. Still a chance for the White House? Yes, but he probably won't be favored at that point if significant improvesments are seen in every day Americans' lives.
Amazing world you live in. Like I said, please keep it up. Keep taking things away from workers. See what happens.

Apr 5, 03:11 PM
I knew there'd be a lot of "wuts" but this makes sense. If you don't like it, don't download it. I'm sure plenty of people will and it only adds value to their advertisers.
Honestly though, some of the ads are really well done. Maybe I just appreciate them more than some others being that I am kind of in the industry.
Honestly though, some of the ads are really well done. Maybe I just appreciate them more than some others being that I am kind of in the industry.

Apr 8, 01:02 PM
It's still pretty ******.
If I walk into a Best Buy and to buy a product that's for sale, knowing full well they have it in stock but they just want to "hold it" for something, I'd be pissed.
If I walk into a Best Buy and to buy a product that's for sale, knowing full well they have it in stock but they just want to "hold it" for something, I'd be pissed.

Jul 30, 11:22 AM
I think the Volt is a success in terms of meeting its intended design parameters. However, I think the whole notion of the all-electric car and plug-in hybrids are flawed due to our current infrastructure.
As long as we burn fossil fuels to get the electricity, the electric car is just sweeping the fossil fuel/pollution problem under the rug by putting the "dirty" side of power consumption out of sight (back at the power plant). Also, there's no way our current power generation infrastructure could support even a fraction of the population switching to electric cars. California already has rolling blackouts - if people stopped burning gas and switched to electrics, the problem would get drastically worse.
I think electric cars are a dead end for the present...At least until our entire power grid makes large-scale switches to alternative energy, and there is no timeline for that currently. Also, there is currently no guarantee that practical fuel-cell systems will ever be truly affordable or mass-producable. The current offerings are all extremely expensive, proof-of-concept vehicles with short useful lives.
We'd be better off with diesels or diesel hybrids. People don't want to admit it, but those are currently our best options IMO.
I really wish I didn't sound so cynical, but that's the picture as I understand it.
Very valid points! My only point to add would be that BMW already makes diesel cars that use the company's EfficientDynamics technology to regenerate wasted energy. In the end, what might solve our energy crisis is the combination of alternative energy, frugality on the user end and trying to capture and re-use as much energy and energy-intensive (to make) products as possible. To me, there is no great difference between a hybrid and a BMW diesel that stops in stationary traffic. Of course, in city centres, using a purely electric drive helps to keep the air clean, which is something that diesel engines are not good at.
Well, they should research capacitors then, never wear out, and charge veeeeewy quick. Like EEstor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EEStor)
Very good point. And not without a bit of irony as Rudolf Diesel patented his engine in the U.S. (608,845), and we don't use it - though that's because of the Oil companies, not the car companies.
I agree we should use the diesel. After the apocalypse, you could make your own fuel from zombie bodies!
Used vegetable oil or quality diesel would be a start...
True on the economies of scale bit - although the batteries are always going to be pricey.
I keep hammering the same point here, but the Volt would see a quite significant fuel economy boost by switching to a diesel engine to charge the batteries and run the motors. Sort it out, US car companies...it's not like we don't sell diesel here.
I heard it that the reason why BMW stopped selling diesel cars in the US was that the engines failed, due to the very poor quality. In Europe, you can get quality fuel, but in the US, diesel is still the fuel of trucks, primarily.
Just one statistics: in continental Europe (not in the UK), new diesel cars have been outselling petrol ones for almost a decade, despite the premium.
That's the great thing about a platform like the Volt, or anything like it: you can easily change whatever gives the electricity. Gas not working right? The American public finally getting their asses out of their collective heads about diesel? Just get one the right size, and hook it up to the generator. It works for trains. Small fusion reactors finally a possibility? Bingo!
If GM hadn't ****ed up when they tried bringing diesel cars to the market, it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad. We still have some old M-B diesels kicking around, and probably a good bunch of them run on SVO by now.
Subaru still sells FWD cars, just not in the US or Europe.
You may easily change the source of electricity (actually, you cannot, it mainly comes from coal and oil in the US, I think), but so far, there is no decent technology available to solve the problem of storing electricity. Batteries suck and the Volt still uses ancient batteries that you would find in all sorts of consumer products. That is a car, running on laptop batteries (or AA's, if you prefer).
Why did you burst my bubble of Subarus awesomeness? :(
Don't forget the dealership markup. Some of the automotive blogs have people complaining that the dealerships are adding a $10k markup to the already expensive vehicle.
You shouldn't have any impression about Subarus. They really have the traction of a train (AWD ones, of course - why would you buy anything else?!), but everything else is just midrange quality at best.
I've had a 1998 Impreza estate several years ago and it was OK. Recently, I've had a 2007 Legacy Outback from work. Nice glass on the top and good traction, but I have no intention of trading a BMW or Mercedes for it the next time. The interior is low quality and Subaru has no understanding of fuel efficiency, it seems. OK, it's a 2.5L engine, automatic and AWD, but still... 25 imperial mpg?!
As long as we burn fossil fuels to get the electricity, the electric car is just sweeping the fossil fuel/pollution problem under the rug by putting the "dirty" side of power consumption out of sight (back at the power plant). Also, there's no way our current power generation infrastructure could support even a fraction of the population switching to electric cars. California already has rolling blackouts - if people stopped burning gas and switched to electrics, the problem would get drastically worse.
I think electric cars are a dead end for the present...At least until our entire power grid makes large-scale switches to alternative energy, and there is no timeline for that currently. Also, there is currently no guarantee that practical fuel-cell systems will ever be truly affordable or mass-producable. The current offerings are all extremely expensive, proof-of-concept vehicles with short useful lives.
We'd be better off with diesels or diesel hybrids. People don't want to admit it, but those are currently our best options IMO.
I really wish I didn't sound so cynical, but that's the picture as I understand it.
Very valid points! My only point to add would be that BMW already makes diesel cars that use the company's EfficientDynamics technology to regenerate wasted energy. In the end, what might solve our energy crisis is the combination of alternative energy, frugality on the user end and trying to capture and re-use as much energy and energy-intensive (to make) products as possible. To me, there is no great difference between a hybrid and a BMW diesel that stops in stationary traffic. Of course, in city centres, using a purely electric drive helps to keep the air clean, which is something that diesel engines are not good at.
Well, they should research capacitors then, never wear out, and charge veeeeewy quick. Like EEstor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EEStor)
Very good point. And not without a bit of irony as Rudolf Diesel patented his engine in the U.S. (608,845), and we don't use it - though that's because of the Oil companies, not the car companies.
I agree we should use the diesel. After the apocalypse, you could make your own fuel from zombie bodies!
Used vegetable oil or quality diesel would be a start...
True on the economies of scale bit - although the batteries are always going to be pricey.
I keep hammering the same point here, but the Volt would see a quite significant fuel economy boost by switching to a diesel engine to charge the batteries and run the motors. Sort it out, US car companies...it's not like we don't sell diesel here.
I heard it that the reason why BMW stopped selling diesel cars in the US was that the engines failed, due to the very poor quality. In Europe, you can get quality fuel, but in the US, diesel is still the fuel of trucks, primarily.
Just one statistics: in continental Europe (not in the UK), new diesel cars have been outselling petrol ones for almost a decade, despite the premium.
That's the great thing about a platform like the Volt, or anything like it: you can easily change whatever gives the electricity. Gas not working right? The American public finally getting their asses out of their collective heads about diesel? Just get one the right size, and hook it up to the generator. It works for trains. Small fusion reactors finally a possibility? Bingo!
If GM hadn't ****ed up when they tried bringing diesel cars to the market, it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad. We still have some old M-B diesels kicking around, and probably a good bunch of them run on SVO by now.
Subaru still sells FWD cars, just not in the US or Europe.
You may easily change the source of electricity (actually, you cannot, it mainly comes from coal and oil in the US, I think), but so far, there is no decent technology available to solve the problem of storing electricity. Batteries suck and the Volt still uses ancient batteries that you would find in all sorts of consumer products. That is a car, running on laptop batteries (or AA's, if you prefer).
Why did you burst my bubble of Subarus awesomeness? :(
Don't forget the dealership markup. Some of the automotive blogs have people complaining that the dealerships are adding a $10k markup to the already expensive vehicle.
You shouldn't have any impression about Subarus. They really have the traction of a train (AWD ones, of course - why would you buy anything else?!), but everything else is just midrange quality at best.
I've had a 1998 Impreza estate several years ago and it was OK. Recently, I've had a 2007 Legacy Outback from work. Nice glass on the top and good traction, but I have no intention of trading a BMW or Mercedes for it the next time. The interior is low quality and Subaru has no understanding of fuel efficiency, it seems. OK, it's a 2.5L engine, automatic and AWD, but still... 25 imperial mpg?!

Mr Ikasu
Jan 11, 08:45 AM
Here is my best guess as to how the Keynote will pan out from start to finish.
- Straight in with iPhone (no big summary of figures "So much great stuff to show you guys" etc). Phenomenal success etc. Today bumping it to 16GB and introducing new firmware which provides all the rumored features. Introduce some iPhone apps for sale on iTunes and release SDK details so everyone else can do the same soon.
- Laptops are growing in market share. We have the best on the market, selling really well etc. Now making them even better. MacBook Pro, new black/carbon fibre/obscure metal enclosure. Using the now standard Apple keyboard design. Using new chipset but otherwise the same on 15" and 17" inch. Then move on: "much demand for a replacement for PB 12". Today we have it. Smallest lightest laptop we have ever made etc." 13" but super thin, no optical and upgradable 32GB SSD. The ultraportable will be part of the MBP lineup. And cost maybe $1699 in base spec.
- iTunes, a few quick figures. Then in with film rentals. "People only want to watch a movie once". Announce partners. "How do you watch it?". Updated Apple TV. Cheaper. No Blu-Ray. That would increase the cost alot and reduce the need to download the films off Apple in the first place.
- One More Thing (definitely not the subnotebook, he knows it wouldn't surprise anyone so it will be earlier) Mac Mini becomes same form factor as Apple TV (ie, wider) but a bit taller. Uses 3.5" drives and has more RAM slots. Not a full blown tower though. Back to $499 price point Mac Mini was originally introduced at.
I want to think they have something more cutting edge lined up but right now I can't think what it could be. I'm willing to be surprised though.
- Straight in with iPhone (no big summary of figures "So much great stuff to show you guys" etc). Phenomenal success etc. Today bumping it to 16GB and introducing new firmware which provides all the rumored features. Introduce some iPhone apps for sale on iTunes and release SDK details so everyone else can do the same soon.
- Laptops are growing in market share. We have the best on the market, selling really well etc. Now making them even better. MacBook Pro, new black/carbon fibre/obscure metal enclosure. Using the now standard Apple keyboard design. Using new chipset but otherwise the same on 15" and 17" inch. Then move on: "much demand for a replacement for PB 12". Today we have it. Smallest lightest laptop we have ever made etc." 13" but super thin, no optical and upgradable 32GB SSD. The ultraportable will be part of the MBP lineup. And cost maybe $1699 in base spec.
- iTunes, a few quick figures. Then in with film rentals. "People only want to watch a movie once". Announce partners. "How do you watch it?". Updated Apple TV. Cheaper. No Blu-Ray. That would increase the cost alot and reduce the need to download the films off Apple in the first place.
- One More Thing (definitely not the subnotebook, he knows it wouldn't surprise anyone so it will be earlier) Mac Mini becomes same form factor as Apple TV (ie, wider) but a bit taller. Uses 3.5" drives and has more RAM slots. Not a full blown tower though. Back to $499 price point Mac Mini was originally introduced at.
I want to think they have something more cutting edge lined up but right now I can't think what it could be. I'm willing to be surprised though.

Oct 29, 08:28 PM
You have no idea what "free" means, do you? Free software has absolutely nothing to do with the money you pay to obtain it. Commercial software that you would pay thousands of dollars for can be a perfectly good example of "free" software.
it's freedom of speech versus free beer. it all depends on the license the authors used for the code though.
it's freedom of speech versus free beer. it all depends on the license the authors used for the code though.

Oct 11, 04:40 AM
I work at Best Buy and I've messed with it. It's actually pretty cool until you roll out the giant piece of crap that is the speakers.
Anything with built in speakers should be confiscated and trashed. How I dislike these wanna-be cool guys on the busses playing their Gangsta HipHop through tiny horribly sounding speakiers on full blast. I'm telling one off every week... it works, but why they can't just get headphones is beyond me... :mad:
sorry for the rant, bring on a nice iPod Video with NEF/RAW reading capability for us photographers, I'm a waiting customer. And yes, a smaller MacBook with 10 hour battery life, non-reflective screen and a graphics card to use it with Aperture/RAW would be sooo nice... :)
Anything with built in speakers should be confiscated and trashed. How I dislike these wanna-be cool guys on the busses playing their Gangsta HipHop through tiny horribly sounding speakiers on full blast. I'm telling one off every week... it works, but why they can't just get headphones is beyond me... :mad:
sorry for the rant, bring on a nice iPod Video with NEF/RAW reading capability for us photographers, I'm a waiting customer. And yes, a smaller MacBook with 10 hour battery life, non-reflective screen and a graphics card to use it with Aperture/RAW would be sooo nice... :)

Apr 21, 02:35 PM
some stuff that I don't know anything about. So then I like to look at the votes and see if this is something that is good or bad for Apple.
The voting on the front page has nothing to do with what's good for Apple. Sorry you've been deceived into thinking as much for so long, though.
The voting on the front page has nothing to do with what's good for Apple. Sorry you've been deceived into thinking as much for so long, though.

Oct 2, 04:46 PM
perhaps true... but depends on how it works. if it's just tied to an email address, if they can encode that same email address into the files, it would probably work. Alternatively, it could also mean that someone could come out with a non-iTunes media player that doesn't validate against a server.
Maybe they should just work with Rockbox and make a third party firmware that opens up the iPod to a new open DRM and forget Fairplay compatibility...
(Note, like the Airport Express, the iTV may be an easier nut to crack than iPod+iTunes).
Maybe they should just work with Rockbox and make a third party firmware that opens up the iPod to a new open DRM and forget Fairplay compatibility...
(Note, like the Airport Express, the iTV may be an easier nut to crack than iPod+iTunes).
Sep 12, 07:30 AM
Disney own/are part of Buena Vista - who make a shedload of movies.

Mar 17, 12:16 PM
I think its the kid's responsibility here. The OP had every intention of paying for his purchase, but the cashier dropped the ball big time. When you take on a job, you assume the responsibilities that come with it. Making a mistake that big will have consequences. I would hate to have someone that makes mistakes like that working for me.

Jan 9, 01:26 PM
someone posted the whole thing on youtube

Jan 13, 02:31 PM
MacBook Air FTW! As long as its a decent price I will be happy! :)

Sep 25, 06:30 PM
I would ALSO have a lot of trouble with a G4 Quad.
Nevetheless, you can't say anything without actual thoughts, and not RANDOM ones. The G5 Quad you were using must have been misused by kids mucking around with it, not responsible users who take care of their machine.
I'm sure Aperture will run great on my Intel 1,66 Mini, with 2GB RAM
NOTICE THE OPERATIVE WORDS "I'm SURE" meaning... you don't know for sure. I'm telling you... I've tried it. I've asked YOU to try it. You will not be pleased with the results, just as I was not.
Sure kids may have been "mucking around" with the machine, but if a couple of kids messing with a computer is going to slow down the system, I assure you there will be problems in the future. If it's that slow on the current machine, what happens when 2.0 comes out? Do I choose not to upgrade or do I go through the whole upgrading of machines and software again?
As for another "RANDOM" thought... what does that mean, "responsible users who take care of their machine"? Unless you are tossing the machine around like a nerf soccer ball, spilling a can of Coke (not to be confused with Coke II) on it, jamming a 5 1/4" floppy in to the CD slot, or stuffing the USB ports with raisins, these things are pretty tough to break.
I love the software Apple makes. It looks great. The user interface is always top notch. It all makes sense. It just doesn't run very fast on their machines, at least not nearly as fast as the demos always show when Steve Jobs is giving us a sneak peek while dancing on stage in his turtle neck. It would be nice to have multiple versions of these apps so we could have the basic functions that actually perform at a speed that doesn't make the spinning rainbow come on after every click.
Nevetheless, you can't say anything without actual thoughts, and not RANDOM ones. The G5 Quad you were using must have been misused by kids mucking around with it, not responsible users who take care of their machine.
I'm sure Aperture will run great on my Intel 1,66 Mini, with 2GB RAM
NOTICE THE OPERATIVE WORDS "I'm SURE" meaning... you don't know for sure. I'm telling you... I've tried it. I've asked YOU to try it. You will not be pleased with the results, just as I was not.
Sure kids may have been "mucking around" with the machine, but if a couple of kids messing with a computer is going to slow down the system, I assure you there will be problems in the future. If it's that slow on the current machine, what happens when 2.0 comes out? Do I choose not to upgrade or do I go through the whole upgrading of machines and software again?
As for another "RANDOM" thought... what does that mean, "responsible users who take care of their machine"? Unless you are tossing the machine around like a nerf soccer ball, spilling a can of Coke (not to be confused with Coke II) on it, jamming a 5 1/4" floppy in to the CD slot, or stuffing the USB ports with raisins, these things are pretty tough to break.
I love the software Apple makes. It looks great. The user interface is always top notch. It all makes sense. It just doesn't run very fast on their machines, at least not nearly as fast as the demos always show when Steve Jobs is giving us a sneak peek while dancing on stage in his turtle neck. It would be nice to have multiple versions of these apps so we could have the basic functions that actually perform at a speed that doesn't make the spinning rainbow come on after every click.

Sep 12, 08:17 AM
why would a female friend postpone?
Yeah, this kinda sounds fishy to me :confused:
Did someone get dumped??
"Honey lets go see the new Steve Carrell movie"
"Yeah, about that, there's a HUGE Apple product announcement tonight... and I'd like to be next to my new MacPro so that I dont miss a thing... can we go some other time?"
*girl storms out of house*
:D :D
Yeah, this kinda sounds fishy to me :confused:
Did someone get dumped??
"Honey lets go see the new Steve Carrell movie"
"Yeah, about that, there's a HUGE Apple product announcement tonight... and I'd like to be next to my new MacPro so that I dont miss a thing... can we go some other time?"
*girl storms out of house*
:D :D

Apr 14, 07:51 AM
Not really to keep stuff safe in the event of a robbery, but to keep a few things safe in the event of some other disaster.

Dec 6, 06:03 PM
It does take too little killstreaks to gain really. But at least the killstreaks top out at 11 on this one, which I think makes it better.
The attack dogs really do my head in though!
the kill streak rewards are so low because its practically impossible to get more then 11 kills in one game with the ****** spawns. (unless you get lucky) 25 was feasible in Modern Warfare because it was a much better game and strategic players who knew how to play could get 25 kills cause they were fighting dip *****. in Black Ops everyone (dip ***** and good players alike) seems to be forced into the same run and gun strategy.
The attack dogs really do my head in though!
the kill streak rewards are so low because its practically impossible to get more then 11 kills in one game with the ****** spawns. (unless you get lucky) 25 was feasible in Modern Warfare because it was a much better game and strategic players who knew how to play could get 25 kills cause they were fighting dip *****. in Black Ops everyone (dip ***** and good players alike) seems to be forced into the same run and gun strategy.

Apr 29, 02:07 PM
In another sense, the direction of the consumer PC/tablet/etc. will be where Apple takes it. They can play off of their successes with the iPad and iPhone and use that to shift the market to devices where Apple has a substantial amount of IP, experience, and expertise. It's one thing to be an alternative, as opposed to a shift where everything else becomes a (less desirable) alternative. That's where Apple is trying to go. Obviously not everyone agrees, but they have thus far made substantial inroads. Apple is increasingly a consumer-focussed company, so the utility of an interface in OS X, for instance, may suffer in it's usability for the "power user." It's hard to say though how much compromise will be made, as the dramatic changes in Final Cut Pro's upcoming release indicate a continued commitment to at least one sub-group of power users.
Yes, and given how much copying is going on with other companies, I'd say Apple is being quite successful in getting their gestures to become a standard. Pinch to zoom is now almost universal.
I have to laugh at the people worried that one day Apple will cut off software access in OS X. Apple said they won't do that. That would be bad for business. It makes no sense.
Yes, and given how much copying is going on with other companies, I'd say Apple is being quite successful in getting their gestures to become a standard. Pinch to zoom is now almost universal.
I have to laugh at the people worried that one day Apple will cut off software access in OS X. Apple said they won't do that. That would be bad for business. It makes no sense.

Apr 27, 12:48 PM
Because it is not material to my point.... In the slightest....
Another analogy: "I am a basketball player. A regulation basketball weighs 96 pounds. I am right, because I am a basketball player and you are not."
Silly? Yes.
Wow. It's clear you have no intention of learning anything. You just want to be right. Nice. :rolleyes:
Another analogy: "I am a basketball player. A regulation basketball weighs 96 pounds. I am right, because I am a basketball player and you are not."
Silly? Yes.
Wow. It's clear you have no intention of learning anything. You just want to be right. Nice. :rolleyes:
Apr 4, 03:20 PM
In your car (Drive SLOW) take your computer (while the 360 is connected) and go up and down the street(s) recording where the signal drops off and the 360 disconnects. Then I would try to make SURE it is the house you think it is. Oh & perhaps you could post a screenshot of your street(s) from google earth, (just a picture, we dont need the address) so we can see where you are getting the strongest signals/etc. (see below for example)
Here is what I mean:
Here is what I mean:
Sep 12, 07:35 AM
wow! real early! can't believe we have to wait over 4 more hours. :o
Apr 22, 10:02 AM
No sir I don't like it. By all means have a +rep button, but don't add a -rep one. With this kind of site if you express the slightest justified dissatisfaction with Apple you'll be downranked to oblivion.
I believe the Steam forum has the best method. Positive only. Keep reputation details private, but have the accumulated total under usernames.
I believe the Steam forum has the best method. Positive only. Keep reputation details private, but have the accumulated total under usernames.
May 2, 09:44 AM
How is this going to work for Verizon users im on 4.3.7 if im not mistaken...
edit scratch that its 4.2.7 and i just went into settings and it says carrier settings update if i click not now or update now will it do it Over the Air?
edit scratch that its 4.2.7 and i just went into settings and it says carrier settings update if i click not now or update now will it do it Over the Air?
Apr 21, 10:41 AM
Interesting. Although I suspect open to abuse (particularly in PRSI). Also they don't visually line up well with the other buttons...
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